Thursday, February 20, 2020

International fashion marketing Research Proposal

International fashion marketing - Research Proposal Example What are the competencies of the business that need outsourcing? Also, what is the importance of aggregation, adaptation, and arbitrage business strategies in the new market? As such, this are some of the questions that this case study seeks to answer. A concise conclusion on the same will also provide an insight on exploring new international markets. International marketing calls for a critical evaluation of the business’ ability to satisfy the customers’ needs. The business need to evaluate how capable it is in ensuring the achievement of this goal. In order to survive in the emerging markets therefore, the business needs to establish a strategic plan, customer strategy, growth strategy, improvement on technology strategy, customer strategy, and source of finance plans (PWC, 2014). In foreign markets for instance, the organization selling cosmetics can establish globalization business strategies to enable it to survive. The strategies include aggregation, adaptation, and arbitrage. Aggregation refers to duplication of domestic business model in the new international market so as to secure cost benefits when handling products in bulk. The strategy tends to focus largely on the economies of scale (Kluyver, n.d.). The technique seeks to achieve efficiency globally by increasing the level of standardization of the product and the production process (Kluyver, n.d.). Therefore, a manager of the firm ensures that the organization obtains economies of scale to enjoy the aggregation process. For the cosmetics, the business can achieve this through using the same distribution channel. Also, the business should use the same marketing mix in each country, have a standard website, and encourage ethnocentrism. Adaptation is a strategy that a business achieves by providing goods or services that are competitive and advantageous in the international markets. The technique enables a business to improve on

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Value of Human Life in the Poems To His coy Mistressby Andrew Essay

The Value of Human Life in the Poems To His coy Mistressby Andrew Marvel and Out, Out by Robert Frost - Essay Example Both poems show that human life has less value than the reader might wish to think, Marvell’s poem by showing that the woman only has value as long as she is beautiful and Frost’s because he shows that the death of the boy has little effect on the continuation of life. The poem â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† love poem written with the idea that the woman he desires is not letting him close enough to her. The narrator desires her and wants to have sex with her, but she is not letting him. He tells her all of the wonderful ways in which he sees her. Yet, the beauty that she has he know will fade and be lost to them, He wants to consummate their lust for one another before she has aged and no longer has the desires of her youth. His first lines provide his first argument as to why she should not be coy. He states â€Å"Had we but world enough, and time,/This coyness, lady, were no crime† suggesting that by being coy she is not committing a crime. In order to woe her, however, he discusses all the way that time would give him to praise her beauty and wait for her to give in to him. In the second verse, however, he shows that he does not have the time to praise her beauty the way that he would want to do it. ... thers both his devaluation of the woman and his argument why she should give into his lust by saying â€Å"Now therefore, while the youthful hue/ Sits on thy skin like morning dew,† describing her through references to the fresh dew of the morning. He his argument by saying â€Å"Thus, though we cannot make our sun/ Stand still, yet we will make him run†, showing that the sun will dry the dew from her beauty as well as using the sun to show the passage of time. Andrew Marvell tells in his poem that time will take away the value that the object of his desire holds. He shows that she is without any other value to him than that which her physical beauty gives. Frost shows a similar message in his poem, although he gives honor to the one who is the object of that poem. Frost sets up a story within his poem of a boy who has a terrible accident. He shows how quickly everything can turn from being normal towards a terrible event. The narrative is the story of a saw that cuts t he boy’s hand, his approximate age indicated by the lines â€Å"Then the boy saw all - /Since he was old enough to know, big boy/ Doing a man's work, though a child at heart –â€Å". In this poem, the individual is valued. The narrator of the poem shows sentiment towards the boy, his words â€Å"Call it a day, I wish they might have said/ To please the boy by giving him the half hour/ That a boy counts so much when saved from work† suggesting that he wanted him to have a good experience. Of course, what happens next is terrible and the narrator describes the event by personifying the saw. The say cuts the boys hand. By writing phrases like â€Å"The buzz saw snarled and rattled in the yard† which suggested that the buzz saw was an aggressive and alive thing, and through saying â€Å"As if it meant to prove saws