Thursday, December 26, 2019

Childhood Vaccination A Deadly Misunderstanding

Childhood Vaccination: A Deadly Misunderstanding? In the year 1998, Dr. Andrew Wakefield published a scientific article that would eventually weaken the human species in both Europe and the United States and sow distrust in the idea of getting children properly vaccinated (Kolodziejski). In his article, Dr. Wakefield falsely claimed that the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine could be connected with the development of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) (Kolodziejski). Unfortunately, even though Dr. Wakefield’s study was discredited the â€Å"damage was already done† (McLeod 8). The article caused a decline of vaccinations of children by their parents for fear of unintentionally inflicting ASD upon them. Years later, Celebrities Jenny†¦show more content†¦Although some of these statements might be thought to be true, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as the Food Drug Administration (FDA) have found no connection between vaccination and the development of autistic spectrum disorder through testing and observation (â€Å"Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism†). No matter what potential dangers could be spouted about vaccinations, it would be foolish to ignore the fact that vaccination has saved countless lives. The way a vaccine works is by introducing a weaker version of a disease to the immune system as antigens and allowing the immune system to construct proper defenses (antibodies) in case it were to ever come in contact with the standard version of the same disease. This should be done while the child is a few months old because they lose the immunities they gain from their mother not long after they are born (Multiple Vaccines and the Immune System.). The first documented instance of vaccination occurred in the year 1796 by Edward Jenner, an English physician (Malone 262). According to Roth, Jenner figured out that immunity from smallpox could be achieved by â€Å"inoculating a person with material from a cowpox lesion† which is essentially infecting a person with a milder and weaker disease so that they would not contract a much deadlier one (Roth). It may sound crude, but this paved the way for vaccinations and allowed smallpox to become the

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Conflicting Nature Of Power In Shakespeares King...

When an individual is situated in a position of power, their actions are determined by their present company. In this way, an individual may act in conflicting ways in order to please their present audience and thus are removed from the power they are deemed to possess. The pivotal characters in William Shakespeare s King Henry IV Part 1 successfully portray the conflicting nature of power throughout the play and ultimately comment on how aspects of politics are subject to the opinions of spectators. Politics is defined as the process of making decisions applying to all members of each group, involving a variety of groups resulting in the nature of politics changing depending on the participants. The conflict between Prince Hal and King†¦show more content†¦Henry laments over the fact that Hal is not the son he would have liked, religiously alluding to the unruliness of his son that he has no control over is the punishment from God as a result of his usurpation of the thron e. This religious allusion reflecting on Henry’s sins demonstrates the both the political power the King obtains, as he deposed the previous King, but also the powerlessness he has in correspondence to the Lord, and his own conscience. In addition, Henry use of the term â€Å"grafted† describes Prince Hal’s connection to Falstaff and the subsequent rejection of his more important blood relations and thus his role as the heir to the English throne. It can be argued that Hal purposely attempts to separate himself from the royal role that his father sets for him, understanding that his father usurped the Divine Right of Kings and thus sought the company of individuals that would successfully result in the disapproval of his father and the Royal Court. Hal finds companions in the rouges in which inhabit the Boar s Head Inn and Eastcheap, including the thieving surrogate father Falstaff. However, while the two locations and companies are considered to differ starkl y, Shakespeare successfully mirrors the separate destinations in first two scenes between the Royal Court and the â€Å"Rouge Court† found in the Boar’s Head Inn. Whilst the occupants are of the Inn are freely labelled as thieves, the occupants of theShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Macbeth And Henry Iv928 Words   |  4 PagesShakespeare’s plays Macbeth and Henry IV Part One are both plays that are wrought with the notion of destiny. The journeys that Macbeth and Hal undertake throughout these plays are contrastingly different and each play takes on a different perspective of destiny. In Macbeth destiny is attempted to be controlled by Macbeth himself whereas Hal has a destiny that he was born into, a destiny to be king. Both are portrayed differently in different spheres of their society this will be explored furtherRead More A Freudian Reading of Hamlet and Titus Andronicus Essay2542 Words   |  11 Pagesclose readings of language. Therefore, by under standing Freudian theory, we can gain a deeper understanding of literature. This essay attempts to discover how Freud’s psychoanalytical accounts of human nature can bring us to a deeper understanding of the family relationships at work in Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Titus Andronicus. According to Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams we all have repressed wishes and desires. One of the most common of these repressed desires is the wish to sexually possessRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 PagesThis book Logical Reasoning by Bradley H. Dowden is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. That is, you are free to share, copy, distribute, store, and transmit all or any part of the work under the following conditions: (1) Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author, namely by citing his name, the book title, and the relevant page numbers (but not in any way that suggests that the book Logical Reasoning or its

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Blind Side free essay sample

The Blind Side written by John Lee Hancock is based on true life events about Baltimore Ravens NFL player, Michael Oher. This sport related comedy drama will not only warm your heart but can also change your perspective on love and family. It’s an excellent example of how one person can change their fate with determination and the moral support of others. Michael Oher’s story begins with him occasionally homeless and staying with his inattentive drug addict mother in a broken home with a remote father. His luck turned as his dad’s friend helps him get into an all Christian private school where Coach Cotton sees potential in him as a future football star. As Michael looks for another place to sleep and keep warm, he is found by worrisome, overprotective mother Leigh Anne Tuophy who asked Michael where he was staying that night. Her motherly instincts took over and invited Michael to stay the night, despite her having no knowledge of his background. What makes The Blind Sides such a compelling story is the fact that it tells a true-life story of a boy with little or no prospects. It is a film about human relationships; the need to reach out to the one less fortunate but most importantly, it’s a film about believing in oneself and following one’s convictions even when the whole world might be against you. The Blind Side is an excellent, uplifting movie with fine storytelling. This is my second time watching this movie and I still love it. It is a movie that you just can’t miss. This is an inspirational movie that all families should see. The movie was very touching, it had good messages, great role models and a very truly inspiring main character. Sandra Bullock’s character was the most interesting one for me. She played Leigh Anne Tuohy, a wealthy woman with a great heart. She adopted Michael, a big black kid who was very shy and careless. A movie like The Blind Side is an eye-opening contrast to those of us who take the littlest things for granted like even owning our own bed to those who might not even have a place to call home. There is a very strong message of Christian faith in The Blind Side. It’s very clear that Leigh Anne helps Michael because she is a Christian and thinks it’s the right thing to do. They pray around the table and speak freely about their faith. The biblical admonition to care for orphans is lived out by this family. It’s encuraging to know that this is based on a true story and to put our beliefs into practice more and reach out to those in need. One of the scenes that struck me most was when Michael told her he’d never had a bed before. She is knocked sideways and goes into her bedroom and closes the door and sits down. There were no close-ups of a tear sliding down her cheek, she just sits there with a very shocked expression on her face. Shocked at what bringing Michael into her life taught her, trying to absorb it and take it all in. It was a very touching scene. After watching this movie, it change the way I through about this topic. The blindside is the side that no one sees or understands. If you cover someone’s blind side that means you have their back. Blindside is just the side from which you cannot see, or the hit you take because you cannot see it coming. I don’t really know much about football but watching this movie made it clear. When things go well and also be reminded as in life, winning doesn’t count but it’s how you play the game that counts. One of my favorite quotes in the movie, â€Å"You are changing that boy’s life†¦. No, he is changing mine. † I love this quote because it’s really sweet knowing how Leigh Anne feels about brining Michael in her life. Michael saved her family in the way she never saw it coming. Michael brings her family more closer together then they were before. For someone to let someone in and not knowing anything about him or her says a lot about who they are. It is hard to believe that there are people like the Tuohys in this world. There are chances in life that a person may come along one that can change our life perspectives. How we approach things, and be courageous enough to do something about the problems in life. It may have a life long impact on another person and might make a huge difference for you as well. Seeing this movie I feel that communication is one of the requirements in life. Humans are social creatures, they depend on each other’s help. This movie shows characteristics, abilities, values, goals, roles and shows that a family value is the most important things in life. It was a very heart touching movie.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Popularity of Angels free essay sample

Examines reasons for the growing interest belief in angels in late 1990s: increase in New Age mysticism, the coming millenium, the Internet. This paper is an examination of the renewed interest in belief in angels. Angels are figures found primarily in Christianity, Judaism, and Islamic religions, who act as divine intermediaries between human beings and god. Although they are mentioned extensively in the Bible and other religious writings, angels have recently enjoyed a resurgence of attention. The returning interest in angelic intervention is reflected in everything from the media to the marketplace. This increase in popularity may be attributed to a number of factors. This paper argues three explanations: the increase in New Age mysticism, which also includes belief in UFOs and conspiracy theories; the effects of the coming millennium, which encourages widespread fear, hope, and a need to feel personally connected to the universe; and the explosion of internet access, which allows. We will write a custom essay sample on Popularity of Angels or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page .